Interface InternalFormProcessor

public interface InternalFormProcessor
This interface will allow for the parsing and processing of forms stored in the collaboration center. The documents will be read in from the collaboration center and sent to the correct InternalFormProcessor class. The implementation of this class will have to add either the task id or process model id as a hidden parameters (for attended nodes and process start forms respectively) and then modify the submit action (action in HTML, and the action of the submit button in PDF) to point to the correct URL.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    buildParameterMap(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest q_, FormElementBinding[] bindings_, ActivityClassParameter[] acps_)
    Creates a map whose keys are ACP keys (ACP~i) and whose values are the values that match the request parameters whose names are bound the corresponding ACP names.
    buildParameterMap(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest q_, FormElementBinding[] bindings_, ProcessVariable[] pvs_)
    Creates a map whose keys are process parameter keys (PP~x) and whose values are the values that match the request parameters whose names are bound the corresponding process variable names.
    getAttendedNodeConfirmationResponse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest q_, String url_)
    Gets the forward after the task was started successfully
    getProcessStartConfirmationResponse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest q_, Long processId_, Long processModelId_)
    Gets the forward after the process was started successfully
    retrieveInputs(byte[] form_)
    Use retrieveInputs(InputStream) version instead (deprecated in 6.2).
    Gets the list of inputs on the form using an InputStream as the source.
    transformNodeForm(byte[] originalForm_, String submitAction_, Map<String,String> extraParameters_, Map<String,Object> defaultValues_)
    The transformNodeForm method will be used for both process start and attended node forms.
  • Method Details

    • transformNodeForm

      byte[] transformNodeForm(byte[] originalForm_, String submitAction_, Map<String,String> extraParameters_, Map<String,Object> defaultValues_)
      The transformNodeForm method will be used for both process start and attended node forms. When modifying the attended node forms, the extraParameters_ will have a key with String value of $taskId, and its value will be the current task id. For process start forms, again one parameter will be passed in, containing the key $processModelId and the value of the process model id for the process to be started. All extra parameters passed in must be created as hidden inputs on the original form.
      originalForm_ - the parsed data of the collaboration document corresponding to the InternalForm
      submitAction_ - the class name of the action to which the form should be submitted
      extraParameters_ - map of parameter keys with values, that might be injected by the framework as necessary. For example, taskId for node start forms, and processModelId for process start forms.
      the transformed form with the process specific or node specific information
    • retrieveInputs

      @Deprecated List retrieveInputs(byte[] form_) throws IOException
      Use retrieveInputs(InputStream) version instead (deprecated in 6.2).
      Gets the list of inputs on the form.
      form_ - the form
      a list of input names on the form
    • retrieveInputs

      List<String> retrieveInputs(InputStream form_) throws IOException
      Gets the list of inputs on the form using an InputStream as the source. This allows for better performance when handling large files.
      form_ - the form
      a list of input names on the form
    • buildParameterMap

      Map buildParameterMap(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest q_, FormElementBinding[] bindings_, ActivityClassParameter[] acps_)
      Creates a map whose keys are ACP keys (ACP~i) and whose values are the values that match the request parameters whose names are bound the corresponding ACP names. Does not support ACPs that are beans and bean arrays.
      q_ - an HTTP request, containing request parameters whose names map to the formInput property of the bindings_
      bindings_ - a binding of request names to acp names
      acps_ - the ACPs for the activity being executed
      a map that binds ACP keys to submitted values
    • buildParameterMap

      Map buildParameterMap(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest q_, FormElementBinding[] bindings_, ProcessVariable[] pvs_)
      Creates a map whose keys are process parameter keys (PP~x) and whose values are the values that match the request parameters whose names are bound the corresponding process variable names.
      q_ - an HTTP request, containing request parameters whose names map to the formInput property of the bindings_
      bindings_ - a binding of request names to pv names
      pvs_ - process variable (parameters)
      a map that binds process parameter keys to submitted values
    • getAttendedNodeConfirmationResponse

      com.appiancorp.web.framework.kernel.main.IActionForward getAttendedNodeConfirmationResponse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest q_, String url_)
      Gets the forward after the task was started successfully
      q_ - the request
      the forward after the task start has been confirmed
    • getProcessStartConfirmationResponse

      com.appiancorp.web.framework.kernel.main.IActionForward getProcessStartConfirmationResponse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest q_, Long processId_, Long processModelId_)
      Gets the forward after the process was started successfully
      q_ - the request
      the forward after the process start has been confirmed