Class RecurringInterval.Monthly

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class RecurringInterval.Monthly extends Object implements Serializable
Class defines time interval for Monthly events. Monthly events can occur on a specific day of the month i.e. on "10th day of every 2 months" or Monthly events can occur on a specific weekday of the month i.e. on "SECOND Friday of every 2 months".
See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    static final int
    static final int
    static final int
    static final int
  • Constructor Summary

    Creates a new object of type Monthly
    Monthly(boolean weekdayBased_)
    Creates a new Object of type Monthly.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the day of the month on which event occurs
    Gets the day of the month on which the event occurs
    Returns the day of the week on which event occurs.
    Returns the interval in terms on number of months between two consecutive monthly events.
    Returns the interval in terms on number of months between two consecutive monthly events as an expression
    Returns true if the Monthly events occur on a particular day of a week of month like "Third Wednesday of every month", else false.
    Returns the Week of the month on which the Monthly event occurs.
    setDayOfMonth(Integer dayOfMonth_)
    sets the day of the month on which the event occurs
    setDayOfMonthExpr(String dayOfMonthExpr_)
    Sets the day of the month on which the event occurs
    setDayOfWeek(Integer dayOfWeek_)
    Sets the day of the day of the week on which event occurs.
    setMonthInterval(Integer monthInterval_)
    Sets the interval in terms on number of months between two consecutive monthly events.
    setMonthIntervalExpr(String monthIntervalExpr_)
    Sets the interval in terms on number of months between two consecutive monthly events as an expression
    setWeekdayBased(boolean weekdayBased_)
    Set to true if the Monthly events occur on a particular day of a week of month like "Third Wednesday of every month", else false.
    setWeekType(Integer dayType_)
    Sets the Week of the month on which the Monthly event occurs.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Monthly

      public Monthly()
      Creates a new object of type Monthly
    • Monthly

      public Monthly(boolean weekdayBased_)
      Creates a new Object of type Monthly.
      weekdayBased_ - if true then the monthly events are of like "SECOND Friday of every 2 months" else the monthly events are like "10th day of every 2 months".
  • Method Details

    • getDayOfMonth

      public Integer getDayOfMonth()
      Returns the day of the month on which event occurs
      1 - 31
    • setDayOfMonth

      public void setDayOfMonth(Integer dayOfMonth_)
      sets the day of the month on which the event occurs
      dayOfMonth_ - 1 - 31
    • getDayOfWeek

      public Integer getDayOfWeek()
      Returns the day of the week on which event occurs. SUNDAY = 1, MONDAY = 2, TUESDAY = 3, WEDNESDAY = 4, THURSDAY = 5, FRIDAY = 6, SATURDAY = 7
      1 - 7
    • setDayOfWeek

      public void setDayOfWeek(Integer dayOfWeek_)
      Sets the day of the day of the week on which event occurs. SUNDAY = 1, MONDAY = 2, TUESDAY = 3, WEDNESDAY = 4, THURSDAY = 5, FRIDAY = 6, SATURDAY = 7
      dayOfWeek_ - between 1 - 7
    • getWeekType

      public Integer getWeekType()
      Returns the Week of the month on which the Monthly event occurs. This property is used to specify monthly event like "Third Wednesday of every month".
      See Also:
    • setWeekType

      public void setWeekType(Integer dayType_)
      Sets the Week of the month on which the Monthly event occurs. This property is used to specify monthly event like "Third Wednesday of every month".
      See Also:
    • getMonthInterval

      public Integer getMonthInterval()
      Returns the interval in terms on number of months between two consecutive monthly events.
    • setMonthInterval

      public void setMonthInterval(Integer monthInterval_)
      Sets the interval in terms on number of months between two consecutive monthly events.
    • getWeekdayBased

      public boolean getWeekdayBased()
      Returns true if the Monthly events occur on a particular day of a week of month like "Third Wednesday of every month", else false.
    • setWeekdayBased

      public void setWeekdayBased(boolean weekdayBased_)
      Set to true if the Monthly events occur on a particular day of a week of month like "Third Wednesday of every month", else false.
    • getDayOfMonthExpr

      public String getDayOfMonthExpr()
      Gets the day of the month on which the event occurs
      an expression resolving to a number (integer) between 1 and 31
    • setDayOfMonthExpr

      public void setDayOfMonthExpr(String dayOfMonthExpr_)
      Sets the day of the month on which the event occurs
      dayOfMonth_ - an expression resolving to a number (integer) between 1 and 31
    • getMonthIntervalExpr

      public String getMonthIntervalExpr()
      Returns the interval in terms on number of months between two consecutive monthly events as an expression
      an expression that evaluates to a number (integer)
    • setMonthIntervalExpr

      public void setMonthIntervalExpr(String monthIntervalExpr_)
      Sets the interval in terms on number of months between two consecutive monthly events as an expression
      monthIntervalExpr_ - an expression that evaluates to a number (integer)