Class Interval

All Implemented Interfaces:
XMLable, Serializable

public class Interval extends Object implements XMLable, Serializable
Interval define a period of time in terms of Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months and Years. This class is generally used to define an event relative to some other event. The actual time period will be summation of the intervals of all the properties of the Interval class. For example if Minute interval is 15 mins and Day interval is 10 days and all other properties are set to null, then the actual time interval will be of 10 days and 15 mins.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Interval

      public Interval()
  • Method Details

    • getDayInterval

      public Long getDayInterval()
      Returns the time interval in terms of number of days
      numbers of days in terms of a Long object. Null if the number of days is not set.
    • setDayInterval

      public void setDayInterval(Long dayInterval_)
      Sets the time interval in terms of number of days
      dayInterval_ - Long value representing the number of days
    • getHourInterval

      public Long getHourInterval()
      Returns the time interval in terms of number of hours
      number of hours as a Long object. Null if the number of hours is not set.
    • setHourInterval

      public void setHourInterval(Long hourInterval_)
      Sets the time interval in terms of number of hours
      hourInterval_ - Long value representing number of hours
    • getMinInterval

      public Long getMinInterval()
      Returns the time interval in terms of number of minutes
      number of minutes as a Long object. Null if the number of minutes is not set.
    • setMinInterval

      public void setMinInterval(Long minInterval_)
      Sets the time interval in terms of number of minutes
      minInterval_ - Long value representing the number of minutes
    • getMonthInterval

      public Long getMonthInterval()
      Returns the time interval in terms of number of months
      number of months as a Long object. Null if the number of months is not set.
    • setMonthInterval

      public void setMonthInterval(Long monthInterval_)
      Sets the time interval in terms of number of months
      monthInterval_ - Long value representing the number of months
    • getWeekInterval

      public Long getWeekInterval()
      Returns the time interval in terms of number of weeks
      number of weeks as a Long object. Null if the number of weeks is not set.
    • setWeekInterval

      public void setWeekInterval(Long weekInterval_)
      Sets the time interval in terms of number of weeks
      weekInterval_ - Long value representing the number of weeks
    • getYearInterval

      public Long getYearInterval()
      Returns the time interval in terms of number of years
      number of years as a Long object. Null if the number of years is not set.
    • setYearInterval

      public void setYearInterval(Long yearInterval_)
      Sets the time interval in terms of number of years.
      yearInterval_ - Long value representing the number of years
    • getDayIntervalExpr

      public String getDayIntervalExpr()
      Returns an expression that will be used to compute the time interval in terms of days
      the expression, which should evaluate to an integer
    • setDayIntervalExpr

      public void setDayIntervalExpr(String dayIntervalExpr_)
      Sets the time interval in terms of number of days, using an expression
      dayIntervalExpr_ - Expression that should evaluate to an integer
    • getHourIntervalExpr

      public String getHourIntervalExpr()
      Returns an expression that will be used to compute the time interval in terms of hours
      the expression, which should evaluate to an integer
    • setHourIntervalExpr

      public void setHourIntervalExpr(String hourIntervalExpr_)
      Sets the time interval in terms of number of hours, using an expression
      hourIntervalExpr_ - Expression that should evaluate to an integer
    • getMinIntervalExpr

      public String getMinIntervalExpr()
      Returns an expression that will be used to compute the time interval in terms of minutes
      the expression, which should evaluate to an integer
    • setMinIntervalExpr

      public void setMinIntervalExpr(String minIntervalExpr_)
      Sets the time interval in terms of number of minutes, using an expression
      minIntervalExpr_ - Expression that should evaluate to an integer
    • getMonthIntervalExpr

      public String getMonthIntervalExpr()
      Returns an expression that will be used to compute the time interval in terms of months
      the expression, which should evaluate to an integer
    • setMonthIntervalExpr

      public void setMonthIntervalExpr(String monthIntervalExpr_)
      Sets the time interval in terms of number of months, using an expression
      monthIntervalExpr_ - Expression that should evaluate to an integer
    • getWeekIntervalExpr

      public String getWeekIntervalExpr()
      Returns an expression that will be used to compute the time interval in terms of weeks
      the expression, which should evaluate to an integer
    • setWeekIntervalExpr

      public void setWeekIntervalExpr(String weekIntervalExpr_)
      Sets the time interval in terms of number of weeks, using an expression
      weekIntervalExpr_ - Expression that should evaluate to an integer
    • getYearIntervalExpr

      public String getYearIntervalExpr()
      Returns an expression that will be used to compute the time interval in terms of years
      the expression, which should evaluate to an integer
    • setYearIntervalExpr

      public void setYearIntervalExpr(String yearIntervalExpr_)
      Sets the time interval in terms of number of years, using an expression
      yearIntervalExpr_ - Expression that should evaluate to an integer
    • toXML

      public String toXML()
      Returns String representation of the Interval object.
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLable
      The XML representation of this object.
    • toXML

      public void toXML(StringBuilder buffer_)
      Description copied from interface: XMLable
      Appends an XML representation of this object (including all child objects) to the given buffer. Override for performance.
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLable
      buffer_ - StringBuffer which is populated with the String representation of the Interval object.