Class Instances

All Implemented Interfaces:
XMLable, Serializable

public class Instances extends Object implements XMLable, Serializable
Class defines how many instances of the node will be created. The number to be spawned can be specified as a constant, value of process variable, length of an Array type process variable, number of assignee in the assignment pool or by an expression.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final int SPAWN_COUNT_CONSTANT
      Number of spawned instances is specified using a constant.
      See Also:

      public static final int SPAWN_COUNT_PV_VALUE
      Number of spawned instances is specified using a process variable, whose value evaluates to a number
      See Also:

      public static final int SPAWN_COUNT_PV_LENGTH
      Number of spawned instances is specified as number of values in a Process Variable of type multiple elements (eg Array, Vector).
      See Also:

      public static final int SPAWN_COUNT_ASSIGNEE_COUNT
      Number of spawned instances should be equal to the number of possible assignees in the assignment pool.
      See Also:

      public static final int SPAWN_COUNT_EXPRESSION
      Number of spawned instances is specified using an expression.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Instances

      public Instances()
  • Method Details

    • getExpression

      public String getExpression()
      the expression that specifies the how the instances of nodes are to be spawned
    • setExpression

      public void setExpression(String expression_)
      Sets the expression about how to spawn multiple instances of node.
    • getInstanceType

      public Integer getInstanceType()
      how the instances of node are to be spawned. It is one of the SPAWN_COUNT_XXX Constants.
    • setInstanceType

      public void setInstanceType(Integer instanceType_)
      Sets how the number of instances is specified.
      See Also:
    • toXML

      public String toXML()
      Description copied from interface: XMLable
      Generates an XML representation of this object (including all child objects). A typical implementation is to create a new StringBuilder and call toXML( StringBuilder ) on it.
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLable
      converts this Instances to XML and returns it as a String
    • toXML

      public void toXML(StringBuilder buffer_)
      Appends the XML representation of the Instances to the given buffer.
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLable
      buffer_ - The buffer on which to append the XML representation.
    • getNextSpawnNew

      public boolean getNextSpawnNew()
      Returns whether multiple instances of nodes should be created.
      true if multiple instances are to be created, false otherwise.
    • setNextSpawnNew

      public void setNextSpawnNew(boolean nextSpawnType_)
      Sets Whether many instances of nodes should be created
      nextSpawnType_ - true if many instances of nodes are to spwaned, false otherwise.