Interface PageNavigationService

All Superinterfaces:, Service

@Deprecated public interface PageNavigationService extends
The Portal functionality will be removed in a future release. Use the Tempo Interface for similar functionality.

Defines methods for structured access to pages. Provides the ability to handle home pages for users and groups, manage tabs and bookmarks, organize pages into categories, and retrieve pages of direct interest to users.

Page categories provide a mechanism for organizing pages based on their content - pages of similar content can be associated with the same category. Similarly, pages may be associated with a group, so that members of that group may have centralized access to content pertaining to that group. Finally, home pages may be designated for users and for groups. In the former case, this page will be the first page that a user sees when logging into the application; in the latter, this page will be the first page that members of the group see when viewing group pages.

Methods of service classes can all throw the unchecked exception ServiceException if any system-level error (for example, server failure) occurs, and will in general throw a checked exception (InvalidXXXException) when an entity to be retrieved is inaccessible, instead of returning null. Exceptions to this paradigm (including the use of ResultList as described below) are noted. All checked exceptions extend AppianException.

It may be necessary to retrieve a subset of results as opposed to an entire collection, and also to sort the subset by some property of the returned object. "Paging" methods which return a ResultPage are provided in certain instances for this purpose. The ResultPage will contain the sorted subset of results (via Result.getResults()), and the total number of items in the available result set (via ResultPage.getAvailableItems()). When sorting the results for getHomePagesForGroupsPaging(Long[], int, int, Integer, Integer) it is important to consider the following scenarios for the sort property:

It may also be necessary to retrieve some results, even if all results cannot be retrieved (for instance, some of the entities corresponding to a list of entity IDs may no longer exist). Methods which return a ResultList are provided for this purpose. The Result.getResults() method in this case will return all results which can be retrieved. In addition, there will be a list of result codes (ResultList.getResultCodes()) that represent the successful retrieval of an entity, or, if the entity could not be retrieved, the reason for the failure. See the CODE_XXX constants in ResultList for details.

See Also: