Class Expression

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Expression extends Object implements Serializable

Title: Expression

Description: Holds expression for a rule set, where an expression consists of an entity name, entity id, and list of conditions.

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002

Company: Appian Corporation

See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String ENTITY_TYPE_NAME_USER
      See Also:

      public static final Long ENTITY_TYPE_ID_USER
  • Constructor Details

    • Expression

      public Expression()
      Default no-arg constructor.
    • Expression

      public Expression(Long entityTypeId, String entityTypeName, Condition[] conditions)
      Constructor that receives the entity type id, name and a list of conditions.
      entityTypeId - Id of the entity type of this expression. @see #getEntityTypeId().
      entityTypeName - Name of the entity type of this expression. @see #getEntityTypeName().
      conditions - List of conditions that form this expression.
  • Method Details

    • getEntityTypeName

      public String getEntityTypeName()
      Gets the entity type name of this expression. The value of the entityTypeName depends on the type of expression. For user expressions the value is the string ENTITY_TYPE_NAME_USER, whereas for group types the value is the name of the group type.
      The entityTypeName of this expression.
    • setEntityTypeName

      public void setEntityTypeName(String entityTypeName)
      Sets the entity type name for this expression.
      entityTypeName - Name of the entity type.
      See Also:
    • setConditions

      public void setConditions(Condition[] conditions)
      Sets the list of conditions.
      conditions - The list of conditions to set.
    • getConditions

      public Condition[] getConditions()
      Gets the list of conditions.
      List of conditions.
    • setEntityTypeId

      public void setEntityTypeId(Long entityTypeId)
      Sets the entityTypeId of this expression.
      entityTypeId - The entityTypeId to set.
      See Also:
    • getEntityTypeId

      public Long getEntityTypeId()
      Gets the entityTypeId of this expression. The value of the entityTypeId depends if the expression is for users or group types. For users the value is ENTITY_TYPE_ID_USER, whereas for group types it corresponds to the group type id.
      The entityTypeId of this expression
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object