Class PortletIxHelper.ResourceImporter

Enclosing class:

public static class PortletIxHelper.ResourceImporter extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • ResourceImporter

      public ResourceImporter(com.appiancorp.ix.Type<H,I,U> type, U uuid, com.appiancorp.ix.ImportDriver driver)
  • Method Details

    • importResource

      public void importResource(OutputStream os, String resourceName) throws AppianException
      Imports a resource (such as a file). Given the resource name and an output stream, this method writes the data of the specified resource into the given stream. NOTE: The caller is responsible for closing the output stream.
      os - The output stream into which the resource data should be written.
      resourceName - The name of the resource to import. This must match the name used to export the resource using PortletIxHelper.ResourceExporter.exportResource(InputStream, String).
      AppianException - If the given resource cannot be written to the given stream successfully.