Class Security

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Security extends Object implements Serializable
This bean is used to represent the security on objects in the Application, and what securities that the object can inherit from 'parent' entities, if there are any.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Security

      public Security()
    • Security

      public Security(RoleMap nativeRoleMap)
  • Method Details

    • isCanInherit

      public boolean isCanInherit()
      Indicates whether the object can inherit permissions from its parent.
      true if the object can inherit permissions from its parent, false otherwise.
    • setCanInherit

      public void setCanInherit(boolean canInherit_)
      Sets whether the object can inherit permissions from its parent.
      canInherit_ - true if the object can inherit permissions from its parent, false otherwise.
    • isDoesInherit

      public boolean isDoesInherit()
      Indicates whether the object actually inherits permissions from its parent.
      true if the object inherits permissions from its parent, false otherwise.
    • setDoesInherit

      public void setDoesInherit(boolean doesInherit_)
      Sets whether the object actually inherits permissions from its parent.
      doesInherit_ - true if the object inherits permissions from its parent, false otherwise.
    • getInheritable

      public RoleMap getInheritable()
      Gets the RoleMap that the object inherits from its parent.
      the RoleMap that the object inherits from its parent, or null if it does not inherit.
      See Also:
    • setInheritable

      public void setInheritable(RoleMap inheritableRoleMap_)
      Sets the RoleMap that the object inherits from its parent.
      inheritableRoleMap_ - the RoleMap that the object inherits from its parent, or null if it does not inherit.
      See Also:
    • getNative

      public RoleMap getNative()
      Gets the RoleMap that is explicitly defined for the object.
      the RoleMap that is explicitly defined for the object.
      See Also:
    • setNative

      public void setNative(RoleMap nativeRoleMap_)
      Sets the RoleMap that is explicitly defined for the object.
      nativeRoleMap_ - The RoleMap that is explicitly defined for the object.
      See Also:
    • toXML

      public void toXML(StringBuffer buffer_)
      Converts the object to XML and stores it in a StringBuffer.
      buffer_ - the StringBuffer to append the XML to.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object