Class UnavailableApplicationException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UnavailableApplicationException extends AppianException
When updating an application, we will try to lock the object before making any updates in order to avoid race conditions. This exception will be thrown if we fail to get the lock after a couple of retries. These retries are defined in: resources/appian/applications/ Failure to obtain the lock shouldn't be common, this exception could be expected in heavy load scenarios with many users concurrently updating the same application. This exception could also imply a very high load on the servers where queued calls to the server are being timeout before they get to the server. Simply retrying to update the application should make the save call successful. The API already internally already waits and retries a couple of times in order to try to get the lock before giving up.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • errorCode

      protected ErrorCode errorCode
    • errorCodeArguments

      protected Object[] errorCodeArguments
  • Constructor Details

    • UnavailableApplicationException

      public UnavailableApplicationException(Long id)
  • Method Details

    • getErrorCodeArguments

      public Object[] getErrorCodeArguments()
      Description copied from class: AppianException
      Gets the arguments that must be used to render this exception's message representation. Subclasses should override this method to return specific arguments. The default implementation returns a length 1 array containing the message as returned by the parent class of AppianException. This method is only called when AppianException.getErrorCodeArguments(Locale) hasn't been overwritten.
      getErrorCodeArguments in class AppianException
      the arguments of the error code tied to this exception
      See Also:
    • getErrorCode

      public ErrorCode getErrorCode()
      Description copied from class: AppianException
      Gets the error code associated with this exception. Subclasses should override this method to return specific error codes. The default implementation returns APNX-1-0000-000 (ErrorCode.GENERIC_ERROR).
      getErrorCode in class AppianException
      See Also: