Class Application.AssociatedApplications

Enclosing class:

public static class Application.AssociatedApplications extends Object
Stores the references to the applications associated with the application. Dependencies that are known and not actually "missing", such as contents of a Common Objects application, can now be filtered out of the Missing Dependencies results to make the remaining list more useful. Currently, the user-filtered list of "related applications" is only used in missing dependencies, though its use may expand in the future. This feature is only for the new App Designer; legacy will not change.
  • Constructor Details

    • AssociatedApplications

      public AssociatedApplications()
  • Method Details

    • getGlobalIdMap

      public com.appiancorp.ix.GlobalIdMap getGlobalIdMap()
    • setGlobalIdMap

      public void setGlobalIdMap(com.appiancorp.ix.GlobalIdMap gidMap)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • setApplications

      public <H extends com.appiancorp.ix.Haul<I, U>, I, U> void setApplications(String... uuids)
      Adds applications as associated applications of this application.
      uuids - Array of uuids corresponding to the applications to be added.
    • getApplications

      public <H extends com.appiancorp.ix.Haul<I, U>, I, U> Set<String> getApplications()
      Returns the UUIDs of the associated applications.