Take the Appian Developer Sentiment Survey View this page in the latest version of Appian. Deployment API - Get Inspection Results Share Share via LinkedIn Reddit Email Copy Link Print On This Page Note: There is no difference in behavior between versions (v1 or v2) of this API. Overview This endpoint retrieves the results of an inspection, given the UUID of the inspection. HTTP Request Method: GET Endpoint: /inspections/<uuid> Request When performing a GET request, you don’t need a request body. However, you do need to specify the UUID of the inspection you’re querying for. This is done by adding a path parameter to the end of the URL, such as: https://<domain>/suite/deployment-management/v2/inspections/<UUID> Request example Request 1 GET /inspections/<uuid> cURL example If you’re calling the API from a command line interface, you can use cURL to make a request. The cURL command with the deployment UUID looks like: 1 2 3 curl --location --request GET 'https://mysite.appiancloud.com/suite/deployment-management/v1/inspections/378271a6-ca0d-4466-bac9-385e4fcb951a/' \ --header 'appian-api-key: <API key>' Response Successful response Attribute Value summary Overview of inspection results. summary.objectsExpected Overview of inspection results for the objects included in the package (.zip). summary.objectsExpected.total The total number of objects in the package. summary.objectsExpected.imported The number of objects in the package that are expected to successfully deploy. summary.objectsExpected.failed The number of objects in the package that are expected to fail to deploy. summary.objectsExpected.skipped The number of objects in the package that are expected to be skipped during deployment, because there were no changes. summary.problems Overview of errors and warnings from inspection. summary.problems.totalErrors Total number of errors from inspection. summary.problems.totalWarnings Total number of warnings from inspection. summary.problems.errors Array of errors with the package and import customization file. For each error, this array will include the name and UUID of the object that resulted in the inspection error, and the detailed error message. summary.problems.errors.errorMessage The detailed error message. summary.problems.errors.objectName The name of the object that resulted in the inspection error. summary.problems.errors.objectUuid The UUID of the object that resulted in the inspection error. summary.problems.warnings Array of warnings with the package and import customization file. For each warning, this array will include the name and UUID of the object that resulted in the inspection warning, and the detailed warning message. summary.problems.warnings.warningMessage The detailed warning message. summary.problems.warnings.objectName The name of the object that resulted in the inspection warning. summary.problems.warnings.objectUuid The UUID of the object that resulted in the inspection warning. status Status of the inspection operation itself. Possible statuses: IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, or FAILED. An inspection can only result in FAILED due to a system error, and does not reflect the expected success or failure of deploying the package. Response example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 { "summary": { "adminConsoleSettingsExpected": { "total": 5, "imported": 3, "failed": 0, "skipped": 2 }, "objectsExpected": { "total": 22, "imported": 20, "failed": 2, "skipped": 0 }, "problems": { "totalErrors": 2, "totalWarnings": 0, "errors": [ { "errorMessage": "The dataStore [id= uuid=_a-0000d6a7-d30b-8000-ee2a-010000010000_2357] was not imported because a required precedent is missing: datatype [uuid={urn:com:appian:types:APN}APN_Account location=Data Store Entity > Data Type] cannot be found. (APNX-1-4070-001) (APNX-1-4071-006)", "objectName": "APN Account", "objectUuid": "_a-0000d6a7-d30b-8000-ee2a-010000010000_2357" }, { "errorMessage": "The content [id= uuid=_a-0000d6a7-d30b-8000-ee2a-010000010000_2347] was not imported because a required precedent is missing: content [uuid=_a-0000d73e-944a-8000-9ba2-011c48011c48_13381 location=Parent] cannot be found. (APNX-1-4070-001) (APNX-1-4071-006)", "objectName": "Customer Information", "objectUuid": "_a-0000d6a7-d30b-8000-ee2a-010000010000_2347" } ] } }, "status": "COMPLETED" } Feedback Was this page helpful? SHARE FEEDBACK Loading...