Take the Appian Developer Sentiment Survey View this page in the latest version of Appian. Export Data Store Entity to CSV Smart Service Share Share via LinkedIn Reddit Email Copy Link Print On This Page Tip: This smart services exports data to a CSV. If you need to export to Excel, use the Export to Excel Smart Service. Overview The Export Data Store Entity to CSV Smart Service allows designers to export large datasets. It can be used to export data from Appian that can then be imported into other third-party applications. A developer may want to export all data or just updates made within the last day. The Smart Service returns a document in a CSV format. Properties Category: Document Generation Icon: Assignment Options: This smart service can be either attended or unattended (default). Configuration options Data tab Node inputs Name Data Type Description Required Multiple Data Store Entity Data Store Entity The data store entity to query. Yes No Selection Selection A list of fields to retrieve, created with a!querySelection(). The selection accepts up to 50 columns. No No Aggregation Aggregation A list of fields and the operations to perform on them when retrieving the data, created with a!queryAggregation(). The aggregation accepts up to 50 columns. No No Filters Any Type A set of conditions to apply to the queried data before any grouping or aggregation. Can use either a list of a!queryFilter() or a single a!queryLogicalExpression(). When using a list of a!queryFilter(), all filters are combined using the AND operator. No Yes New Document Name Text The name of the new document created. No No New Document Description Text A brief description of the document. No No Save in Folder Folder The folder to store the new document in. Required when creating a new document. No No Document to Update Document The document to be updated as a result of the export operation. This can be useful when using the smart service multiple times in the same process model. New contents will be appended at the end of the file. No No Include Header Boolean Outputs the field name in the first row of the document if set to true. Default is true No No CSV Delimiter Text The field delimiter used to separate fields in the CSV file. Valid values include "TAB", "COMMA", "SEMICOLON", "SPACE", "PIPE", "CARET". Default is "COMMA". No No Node outputs Name Data Type Description New Document Document The document generated as a result of executing this smart service. a!exportDataStoreEntityToCsv() Exports the selected data store entity to CSV. This function will only execute inside a saveInto or a Web API. Syntax a!exportDataStoreEntityToCsv( entity, selection, aggregation, filters, documentName, documentDescription, saveInFolder, documentToUpdate, includeHeader, csvDelimiter, onSuccess, onError ) Parameters Keyword Type Description entity Data Store Entity The data store entity to query. selection Selection (Optional) A list of fields to retrieve, created with a!querySelection(). The selection accepts up to 50 columns. aggregation Aggregation (Optional) A list of fields and the operations to perform on them when retrieving the data, created with a!queryAggregation(). The aggregation accepts up to 50 columns. filters Any Type (Optional) A set of conditions to apply to the queried data before any grouping or aggregation. Can use either a list of a!queryFilter() or a single a!queryLogicalExpression(). When using a list of a!queryFilter(), all filters are combined using the AND operator. documentName Text The name of the new document that is to be created by this smart service. documentDescription Text (Optional) A brief description of the document. saveInFolder Folder The folder where the newly created document is to be stored. Applicable and required when creating a new document. documentToUpdate Document The existing document to update with the exported data. Using this parameter will append new contents at the end of the file. Note that a new version of this document will be created. includeHeader Boolean (Optional) Outputs the field's label in the first row of the document if set to true. Default is true. csvDelimiter Text (Optional) The field delimiter used to separate fields in the CSV file. Valid values include "TAB", "COMMA", "SEMICOLON", "SPACE", "PIPE", "CARET". Default is "COMMA". onSuccess Any Type A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute after the smart service executes successfully. Created with a!save() or a!httpResponse(). The document ID of the created/updated document is returned in the fv!newDocument function variable. onError Any Type A list of saves or an HTTP response to execute when the smart service does not execute successfully. Created with a!save() or a!httpResponse(). Returns Document Example Copy and paste an example into an Appian Expression Editor to experiment with it. Replace the ENTITY and FOLDER with the appropriate constants for your application. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 a!localVariables( local!exportDocId, local!errorMessage, { if( isnull(local!exportDocId), /*This link field contains the link that starts the export*/ a!linkField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", links: a!dynamicLink( label: "Export to CSV File", saveInto: { a!exportDataStoreEntityToCsv( entity: cons!ENTITY, documentName: "CSV Export " & now(), saveInFolder: cons!FOLDER, onSuccess: a!save( local!exportDocId, fv!newDocument ), /*This displays an error if there is an issue executing the save*/ onError: a!save( local!errorMessage, "Error Exporting File to CSV" ) ) } ) ), {} ), if( /*This only displays the download link if a valid document was created*/ not(isnull(local!exportDocId)), /*This changes the link to a download link for the newly created document */ a!linkField( links: a!documentDownloadLink( label: "Download CSV File", document: local!exportDocId ) ), a!textField( value: local!errorMessage, readOnly: true ) ) } ) Usage considerations The following configurations and expected behavior apply when using the Export Data Store Entity to CSV Smart Service from the Process Modeler: To export fields in a specific order, make sure to specify the Selection parameter. Otherwise, the order of the exported fields will not be guaranteed. You may specify either the Selection parameter or the Aggregation parameter but not both. If you do not specify either parameter, all fields are returned. You may specify either a LogicalExpression or a list of Filters in the Filters parameter but not both. If you wish to specify only one condition, specify a Filter. If you wish to specify more than one condition, use LogicalExpression or use a list of Filters. To create a CSV file with data from different data store entities, use multiple nodes of this smart service. You can use the Document to Update when exporting a second data store entity. Avoiding Query Timeouts when Exporting Data Exporting data store entities from either record lists or smart services relies on sorting the entity by its primary key. This sorting ensures that data is exported consistently—that is, all rows are exported and no row is exported more than once. Appian export operations use small batches to control the amount of memory consumed. The last row of a batch is tracked and used to determine where the next batch starts. By managing load this way, we avoid high memory consumption when exporting entities with a very large number of rows. Designers should adhere to Database Performance Best Practices when creating their schema relationships. Because database views do not have a primary key, or the ability to have indexes, Appian recommends exporting data only from tables or materialized views in order to avoid query timeouts with large data sets. Related objects Data Types: Selection Aggregation Query Filter Logical Expression Feature compatibility The table below lists this smart service function's compatibility with various features in Appian. Feature Compatibility Note Portals Partially compatible Can be used with Appian Portals if it is connected using an integration and web API. Offline Mobile Incompatible Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible Custom record fields that evaluate in real time must be configured using one or more Custom Field functions. Process Reports Incompatible Cannot be used to configure a process report. Process Events Incompatible Cannot be used to configure a process event node, such as a start event or timer event. Feedback Was this page helpful? SHARE FEEDBACK Loading...