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Release a New Version

This page provides details on how to create a new version of a connected system plug-in. See the versioning core concept page for more context about what to consider when versioning.

Major versioning

If you are going to make a major version change to your connected system template, integration template, or client API template, do the following:

  1. Create a copy of the connected system class and give it a new name.
    • Example:
  2. Update the new connected system class to have new annotation.
    • Example: @TemplateId(name = "GoogleDriveSampleConnectedSystemTemplate", majorVersion = 2)
  3. Create a copy of any integration templates and client API classes that you will be modifying or create your new classes.
    • Example:
  4. Modify new class files to have your updated logic. Leave the original version unchanged and make your (incompatible) updates to the new version only.

  5. Update appian-plugin.xml version field to indicate a major change has been made.
    • Example: 1.1.3 –> 2.0.0
  6. Update appian-plugin.xml to add references to new connected system, integration, or client API templates you created. Ensure each template has a unique key.
    • Example:
<connected-system-template key="GoogleDriveSampleConnectedSystem" name="GoogleDriveSampleConnectedSystem" class="com.mycorp.googledrive.templates.GoogleDriveSampleConnectedSystemTemplate">
   <integration-template key="GoogleDriveSendFileIntegrationTemplate" name="GoogleDriveSendFileIntegrationTemplate" class="com.mycorp.googledrive.templates.GoogleDriveSendFileIntegrationTemplate" />
<connected-system-template key="GoogleDriveSampleConnectedSystem2" name="GoogleDriveSampleConnectedSystem" class="com.mycorp.googledrive.templates.GoogleDriveSampleConnectedSystemTemplate2">
   <integration-template key="GoogleDriveSendFileIntegrationTemplate2" name="GoogleDriveSendFileIntegrationTemplate" class="com.mycorp.googledrive.templates.GoogleDriveSendFileIntegrationTemplate2" />

Minor and patch versioning

Connected system templates do not directly support minor or patch versions.

We recommend that you indicate the logical minor and patch versions through the appian-plugin.xml instead. Backwards-compatible feature additions to a connected system should cause a minor version bump (for example, 1.1.3 –> 1.2.0) for the Plug-in Bundle, and bugfixes should cause a patch version bump (for example, 1.1.3 –> 1.1.4) for the Plug-in Bundle.

Don't create a copy of the connected system tag or contents. Make your (compatible) updates to the existing connected system.
